Targeting the Right ReadersAudience analysis using the technology adoption curve Until recently, I saw audience analysis as fairly straightforward. Now, however,...
Solving the Word-Count MysteryThe best way to gauge document length What I call the word count mystery mystifies me (as good mysteries should), and it arises fairly...
Don’t Make It Harder than It Has to BeMaking thought leadership a bit easier But you want to understand the difference between the normal difficulties that are a normal part...
Seven Proven Business Writing HacksEasy-to-use tips from a former writing workshop facilitator Friends would often ask me, “Don’t these people know how to write?” Well,...
Assess Your Content Marketing MixFour M’s to go with the Five P’s The marketing mix is typically framed as five (or four or six or seven) Ps. The traditional marketing...
The Magic of Writing Thought LeadershipProducing quality content can be fun By serious, aspirational writing I mean writing that goes beyond purely utilitarian forms, such as...