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Free Ebook

Read this if you want to develop
better thought leadership, faster and easier

If you want to develop better thought leadership faster and easier, the first step may be to get out of your own way.

In my two decades of developing thought leadership for large and small professional services firms, I’ve seen teams face the same internal problems repeatedly.

Usually, however, those problems tend not to be the real problems. They tend to be symptoms.

Here’s a sampling: Missed deadlines. Unengaged subject matter experts. Dull content. Poorly written drafts. Mistakes in final documents. Botched launches.

These are all symptoms. The actual problems are strategic and tactical errors committed before these symptoms appear.

That’s why I’ve written:

The Six Biggest Problems in Developing
Thought Leadership and How to Solve Them

This free ebook will help you see the links between symptoms and problems, solve the latter, and eliminate the former.


By helping you to think more clearly about your approach to thought leadership at both the strategic and the tactical levels.

That’s not only where most problems begin—it’s also where thought leadership worthy of the name begins.

Once you start approaching thought leadership strategically and tactically, you’ll find it easier to generate ideas, secure resources, and work as a team to develop and launch first-rate documents.

Who Needs this Book?

If you are a thought leader or subject matter expert who is not satisfied with the quality of your thought leadership or the process of creating it, you will very likely benefit from this book.

If you are a marketing manager, editor, or writer at a consulting, professional services, or financial services firm, you will absolutely, positively benefit from this book. The same is true if you’re a freelance business writer.

Download your copy of The Six Biggest Problems in Developing Thought Leadership and How to Solve Them now, and start thinking more strategically, tactically, and lucidly about thought leadership.

The Deal

Don’t worry about your in-box getting clogged with content and offers from me. I don’t have the time, resources, or inclination. I will simply tell you, occasionally, when I’ve updated my blog (about once a week) or released a new ebook or service.

That’s it!

Put yourself and your firm or practice on a smoother, surer path to true thought leadership now.

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